New Policies Affecting Your Account!!!
Wednesday, 30 October 2002
If you are a new user or existing one welcome; but please
take note of the following it may affect you:
The Globel counter has advanced
and reached it's limit at this time for users a point where
it cannot accept new applications for accounts…
this is due to the amount of and/or
velocity of users on board and the limitations of a single
server being capable of carrying this weight, additionally
each new function I add to your counters capability makes
it even better than before and obviously costs in processor
time across all users and accounts...
To resolve this problem I have implemented
the following:
1. When a new user now applies for
an account with Globel it will be created but there will be
a limit to how many can come on board at any one time and
actually set up a counter at the given time, this is regulated
by old users deleting their accounts when not wanted anymore
and/or an old account being removed for some other reason
providing unused space for a new account to be created.
2. When you submit your Email address
to this system you automatically provide an address for me
to contact you on and when issues such as this are resolved
I will contact you, so it is a good idea to register so I
can keep you informed on this and other software freebies
3. In mid December I will be releasing
another version of the counter that will not be as costly
on the server itself but will provide a free counter service
just the same but will also be nowhere near the functionality
of the paid version.
4. The present Globel counter will
continue to evolve with more functionality as I continue to
develop it and all users that have the present version can
still continue to use it for free whilst I do this although
the later versions are time limited and any abuse of the counter
itself will not be entertained.
Existing users:
Although it is not a condition
by any means as my promise to you was to provide you with
a free counter and I am not about to change my mind on this
but please take note of the following:
1. The counter has reached a point
of no return as above and am faced with several options and
if you like you're counter; ask you if you can you afford
the small fee involved please pay for it, if you can't or
don't that's fair enough you will not be penalized because
of your decision…
2. The money collected from all
fee's will be used to get another server as I have paid for
one and this particular scenario is like a big black hole,
I can keep buying servers until I have nothing left including
money; a situation I do not want to entertain also there is
an obvious limit as a single programmer and it would eventually
destroy the service anyway if I kept doing this so it's also
not an option.
3. With what I have now and to keep
the majority happy I will continue to develop the counter
regardless but will impose certain limits on functionality
to users that have not paid, the reasons for this again is
as above i.e. as I add the extra's it pulls more demand on
the server itself therefore causing a ricochet affect on everyone
and this is also not an option.
4. If you have paid now I will stick
to the amount you do pay now for the period paid no matter
how many facilities I add to your account; BUT; please bear
in mind the evolvement of this counter is not going to stop,
I will continue to develop it over the period….
In other words a month from now fee's for the counter will
increase because of facilities and capabilities added to it
and the counters natural progression, these will always be
proportionate and good value for money but not be repeated…
5. I need at this point to also
remove between 200 to 500 accounts of the last counter accounts
created this will be done on a last in first out basis, not
a choice I wanted to be faced with but I am faced with no
option if things do not change i.e. enough users paying for
service of the counter, the ideal situation is to put all
existing paid users on their own server within the limits
so they do not suffer problems like was experienced recently
with the server going out of commission a piece of hell I
do not want to repeat to be honest and it goes completely
against what I am trying to achieve and destroys unsaid faith
in my service, you should stick with it because you like the
service and because of it's reliability to you as a user and
hence my actions to ensure this...
The new server is great and that's
the way I wish it to stay with everything working like clockwork
I know the limits of each server now and wish to contain this
problem and not stress out another server, it may be bumpy
until I remove the amount of users as said above but should
always recover quite quickly because the machine itself is
better and I have already removed without any option excessive
accounts sending me 1000+ hits per day, the remaining accounts
mentioned that I have again little option but to remove but
am giving these users notice and the reasons for this decision,
a lot of you have been very supportive with sending me very
complimenting mails and I truly appreciate both your input
and support of what I am trying to do here; and Thankyou,
there is however a very realistic side to all this which literally
forces me into this situation and so the need to impose these
new regulations for the good of all my users…
If your account is numbered between
1000010000 or higher and 1000009500 these accounts are the
first scheduled to be removed, if however you have paid for
the service other accounts will be affected from 1000009000
to 1000009500 these are all the last accounts to be created
and will have a reversing effect on all counter accounts until
500 in total are removed to help the server, if you need to
know if this affects you or not and do not wish to pay anything
look at your pasting code on your WebPage in the line: 1000010000 /name_of_counter.js
Is the number of your account, after
the Globel URL and before your counter name?
Please understand my reasons for
taking this action and wish you the very best and do apologize
for this unfortunate set of circumstances…
Thankyou for being part of Globels
first steps:
If you wish to support Globel please go to:
For payment instructions and price…
Thankyou Everyone....