Q: Will I be able To Use My Counter On Different Pages?
A: Yes. In the Counter Editor There is provision to create as many separate counters as you require additionally Now with the new statistical robot in place your counter tells the program where it is on the Internet so you don't have to necessarily this is all done automatically what this essentially means is your single same counter code can be pasted into several pages and the statistics robot will separate each page up into a separate statistic for you your counter account will keep track of every single page to and from the system and this was envisaged right from the beginning so the code you have acquired from us and pasted into your page or pages is already doing the work for you there is no need to do anything else unless you wish to add pages and that is just a simple case of creating a new counter and/or using the same code from one counter….
You can work out then from your statistics when visited, how long they stayed for, and which pages interested them the most…You only need the pastable code available from your Globel control panel to do this, our separation software does the rest, however if you require your statistics to be absolutely accurate a separate counter on each page is desirable and will produce maximum results…